Zum Konfigurator

MUNK rectifier devices and pulse power supplies

The right solution for your application
As a specialist in power supplies for surface finishing, MUNK offers a diverse range of products. Whether DC or pulse power supplies, process controls, remote controls, special devices and accessories – with the MUNK power supplies you will always find the right solution for your application.

MUNK – the brand in electroplating
“Made in Germany” is very important at MUNK, because we do not assemble components supplied from the Far East, but secure jobs through the use of our own strong development department, production-optimized production and a large number of specialists in project planning, service and technical sales .

We “live” our power supplies and have done so continuously and successfully for more than 45 years, with a high level of quality and reliability.

11Munk Titelbild

Choose from our extensive product portfolio:

Rectifiers from stock
We don’t just deliver new products for electrochemical processes. If there is a short-term need, we also offer used and loan devices, rectifiers to bridge your repairs or even new devices with the shortest delivery times.

The rectifiers are expertly checked by us and you are guaranteed six months from the date of purchase.

If you have any queries or inquiries, please contact us stating the device no. via our product inquiry form, or please call us directly on +49 2385 74-0 .