Zum Konfigurator

Trainee projects

Here you will find information on the areas:

Digitization scouts

“Trainees as digitization scouts” is a project of the Rationalization and Innovation Center of the German Economy (RKW) based in Eschborn. In the Hamm region, this project was carried out at first in 2018 together with the Hamm Economic Development Corporation and seven companies.

Digiscouts 2020/2021

Tony the new employee app

For the second time, Munk GmbH participated in the Digiscouts project in 2020/2021. Our trainees, Nick Dann, Koray Bozdogan and Nidhal Al Vares, were very interested in ensuring more digitalization within the company.

Initially, they came up with five project ideas, which ultimately became the employee app “Tony” in consultation with the management.

In times of the Corona pandemic, it became clear that the company was missing another communication channel. This became apparent during the snowstorm in February 2021. Management was unable to reach colleagues outside of working hours, so the flow of information was not 100%.

Accordingly, the goal was to provide another way for colleagues to receive important company information. In addition, they can also get to know each other.

Providers were filtered according to various criteria, such as newsletter, chat function and calendar, and thus a utility analysis was carried out. The decision was made in favor of the provider HumHub. In order to ensure that everything conformed to data protection regulations, it was essential to consult with the data protection officer. Nick Dann, trainee IT specialist for system integration, set up the HumHub server and configured it as required. Lastly, the app was renamed “Tony”, this comes from Tony Stark (Iron-Man from Marvel comics and movies).

Tony Stark is known for his strength, knowledge and intelligence, all of which the employee app should reflect. Finally, a user manual, a code of conduct with a sign-up form, and the FAQ were created. Colleagues were introduced to the app via PowerPoint presentation to get an overview of Tony.

From the many sign-up forms, we realized that colleagues were interested in Tony. This was the sign that Tony was much needed and would be a success.

In June 2021, due to the Corona pandemic, the conclusion of the Digiscouts project took place digitally. Trainees from the companies that participated presented their project through a short video. After the official conclusion of the Digiscouts project, Tony was introduced for the colleagues.
In the meantime, colleagues have also created groups in Tony, e.g. a classifieds group. Tony is mainly used for private purposes and the colleagues are always up to date with important information.

11MUNK Azubi Projekte

(from left to right) Nick Dann (IT specialist system integration trainee), Koray Bozdogan (EU industrial clerk trainee),  Nidhal Al Vares (industrial clerk trainee)


The digital completion report

In 2018 three of the 19 trainees who worked as digiscouts in Hamm are employed by Munk GmbH. As part of this project, Isabel Jarzombek, Steffen Ebke and Svenja Berns-Müller developed a digital completion report. Hamm was one of the first three regions in Germany where the project started at the end of May.

The trainees describe their experiences as follows:

“It was really something special to get this big project off the ground on my own.” Isabel Jarzombek, trainee industrial clerk EU, looking back on the past months. Isabel forms our digiscout team together with Steffen Ebke and Svenja Berns-Müller.

After searching for digitization potential, we developed five specific project ideas. Together with our management team Frank and Thorsten Munk, we decided on the digital completion report.

Up until now, the completion notification was made on paper, which was passed through the warehouse, operations management and project management departments through to logistics. Finally, the logistics department organizes the delivery. This took a lot of time as the departments below had to wait for their predecessors to be processed and passed on.

This is where we start – our goal: to save time. We analyzed the process of reporting the completion in detail. Various forms and different processes, due to the project-oriented organization of Munk GmbH, made implementation difficult for us. This prompted us to expand the analysis to include upstream and downstream processes. We standardized the forms, and Steffen, a trainee as IT specialist for system integration, digitally mapped the completion report. Now we can do without the paper form and notify the departments concerned in parallel.

With the changeover, we met both happy and critical colleagues. But the test phase turned out to be a success. Statements like “Can’t you wait until I retire?” Have been replaced by “Do we still have to wait for the written report?”. For us this is probably the best conclusion, which can be rounded off with a time saving of up to two days for each order and thus higher customer satisfaction. “

The Digiscout project came to an official end on December 1st in the Hammer Heinrich von Kleist Forum. During the ceremony, the trainees from seven great companies presented their results. This was followed by the award of the individual projects and a vote: “Which project can you imagine this way or something similar in your company?” Digiscouts from Munk GmbH achieved second place.

“We look back on six months with many digiscouts meetings, presentations and discussions in which we were able to gain new knowledge in the field of digitization and project management,” says Berns-Müller, worked on, tested and improved the digital completion report.

In the meantime we have used the software created by the trainees productively.

11Azubi-Projekte RKW Hamm Munk

The Munk Digiscouts present their project. Image: Heinz Feussner

11Azubi-Projekte 2018

(from left to right) Isabel Jarzombek (EU industrial clerk trainee), Wolfgang Thomaßen (Hamm Economic Development Agency), Steffen Ebke (IT specialist system integration trainee), Armin Kreyenbaum (trainer) – Photo: WFH